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Life after Loss: How Caregiving Impacts the Grief Journey

The average caregiving experience lasts nearly 5 years, but the impact of that experience does not stop with the loss. In this episode, we welcome Kirsten Goard - one of Hospice of the Piedmont's bereavement counselors - and Executive Director of Caregiver Connect, Alexis Williams, for a meaningful conversation focused on how caregiving impacts the grief journey. Together, Kirsten and Alexis explore the wide variety of emotions caregivers may experience following the loss of their loved one, how relationships with family members can change as the caregiving role ends, and the importance of caring for yourself both during and after a loss.

Aug 30, 2024

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Show Notes:

Episode Guests:

Kirsten Goard, Bereavement Counselor, Hospice of the Piedmont
Kirsten Goard, MSW, LCSW-A, is a native of Greensboro, NC. She received her Bachelor of Social Work from Appalachian State University followed by a Master of Social Work through a joint program between the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. In addition, Kirsten is a Licensed Clinical Social Work Associate. She joined Hospice of the Piedmont and Hospice of Randolph as a bereavement counselor with prior experience in crisis work and grief counseling in the healthcare setting. Kirsten believes that grief is universal and impacts all of us.  She has a strong conviction to break the stigma that grief is something we should “get over” and is dedicating her career to meeting clients where they are and equipping them with lasting strategies for coping with grief.

Alexis Williams, Executive Director, Caregiver Connect
Alexis Williams is the Executive Director of Caregiver Connect, Inc.  Caregiver Connect, Inc.’s mission is to serve family caregivers by hosting free educational opportunities, provide monthly Caregiver Encounter Groups, and provide supportive caregiver navigation.  Her previous experiences as a senior advocate, social worker, Respite Care Director, placement specialist, and Care Manager are great building blocks to the mission of Caregiver Connect, Inc.  She received her Bachelor of Mental Health & Human Services from Georgia State University.  She has an undergraduate Certificate in Gerontology and is a Certified Senior Advisor.

For more information about Caregiver Connect, click here to visit their website.

During this podcast, Alexis discusses a wide-variety of administrative tasks that are important following the death of a loved one that can at times feel overwhelming. We’ve created a checklist to help you complete important tasks during the first month after a loss. To view the list, click here or on the image below.