CEO Trent Cockerham hosts Dr. Goldie Byrd, Director of the Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity and Wake Forest School of Medicine Professor of Social Sciences and Health Policy, to help define health disparities and why they exist. Together, their dialogue will help guide us through a thoughtful and educational exchange about health inequities that will inform the remaining episodes of this series.
To register, click here. Upon registration, you will receive an email with the Zoom link information. If you have questions, please contact the Community Engagement & Education Department at 336.889.8446. Join us for additional installments by visiting the E-Series: Exploring Our Community event page.
About Dr. Goldie Byrd:
Dr. Goldie Byrd joined Wake Forest School of Medicine in 2018, as Professor of Social Sciences and Health Policy, and Director of the Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity. Dr. Byrd conducts research on the Genetics of Alzheimer disease in African Americans. Her work is published widely and she has presented in 9 countries around the globe. She addresses health equity through research, efforts to create institutional trustworthiness among underserved populations, and increasing diversity in the biomedical science workforce. Dr. Byrd won the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring at a White House ceremony in 2010. She currently sits on equity panels at the National Institutes of Health, the NC Institute of Medicine and pharmaceutical companies interested in diversity and inclusion.
For a list of other events in The E-Series, click here.